Friday, September 22, 2006

Baby I'm Back!

The Philippines have been great! (: i will try to upload photos some other day but you can look at clar's blog first. (: The places and official details are on The photos will do the talking for the interesting details. The trip has been quite a success and now we will all have to work very hard towards the conference to make it a real success. I'm hyped up because of the trip, and I hope it doesn't wear off anytime soon. Anyhowss, I miss all you Singaporeans and the clean streets and the little food I dont have to eat. But I will definitely miss the cheap booze and ciggs in the Philippines. :(

Thanks Clar and Crys and everyone else on the trip for making it such a delightful one. It wouldnt be the same without you guys. Sorry for all my grumpiness and moodiness, I love all of you nevertheless. (:

Monday, September 11, 2006

Arrived at The Philippines

Im at the hotel and they have internet access. However this will only be for two days cos 5 am on Wed we will be taking a bus down to the Laoag City, which is actually the village area. Had diarrhoea on the first day, what luck, but im alright now. I miss everyone already, esp my baby. ): Ten days will pass quickly, I hope. check out clar's blog for photos.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sound of settling.

Its unfamiliar, but its positive.
Strange in a peculiar way.
I think you are right.

You are the right after the wrongs,
like the sun after the storms,
the smile after the tears.

Quest for Understanding

Yes, thats what the philippines trip is about. Im looking forward to the experience. But I dread being away from my baby, and of course Jeannine who has been my everyday friend. Now she has noone to accompany her to wait for our boyfriends. Im so sorry babe.

Will be back on the 20th ! I cant wait to get this over and done with.
But its okay, absence makes the heart grow fonder. (:

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Your song.

Is it wise to get used to someone? To feel too comfortable?
Sometimes, the more you put in, the less you get.
The more you give, the more there is taken away from you in the end.
I hope it does not happen again.

Im playing your songs,
Im thinking of you,
and I wonder what youre doing.
I hope you are alright,
and I wish I could be there.

Maybe its not good to miss you anymore.
Suddenly it feels weird not hearing your voice before I go to sleep.


What a relief. I feel so happy having bought something finally, after all the indecisiveness. I wanted to buy the Blackberry, I wanted to buy an iPod Video, I wanted to buy a Polo Ralph Lauren top, wanted to buy a nice cigg case, and I was just so indecisive bout everything because im so afraid he wouldnt like it.

Then I remembered he mentioned once about the dustbin ashtray thing. I bought that, plus some cocktail drink with my name on it. JENN. hahaha. Dont even know if it tastes nice, but its vodka so i dont think itl be that bad. and I also want to get him the Nike t shirt that he said was nice that day but I told him i dont like the colour orange. Im so proud of myself, I have such good memory!

I hate to buy random presents. I shant mention NAMES or relevant incidents but dont you think its nice to know that the gift is so well thought of and not buying a gift for the sake of it.

Anyway, its past 12.
I wont say Happy Birthday to you because I know your birthday isnt exactly a happy event for you, but theres a reason for me to celebrate this day because if on this day, 23 yrs ago, you werent brought to Earth, I would not have someone to call my baby now. So thanks to whoever who were part of the process. Haha.

I hope he'll like the presents anyhow. If he doenst, il be so sad. :( cos I racked my brains for so long thinking what to buy.
Goodnight everybody, May tmr pass as quickly as possible.